• Do you struggle writing your own guitar solos?
• Do your guitar solos sound lifeless, boring and bland?
• Do you have no idea what to do in order to learn how to write better guitar solos?
• Do you struggle to improvise cool and interesting solos?
• Is your improvising repetitive and uninteresting?
There Is A Solution...
You Need To Find A Instructor Who's Committed To Helping You
Whether You Want To Learn To Play Your Favorite Tunes Or You Want To Write Your Own Songs And Play Shows, Learning Guitar DOESN'T Have To Be Hard! You Don't Have To Learn Guitar On Your Own! Stories Of Jimi Hendrix, Yngwie Malmsteen, Van Halen And Many Others States That They All Learned On Their Own And Never Had A Single Lesson In Their Life Or Never Learned Any Music Theory. Well That's Just They Are, STORIES! They May Not Have Been Experts In Music And Give You A Definition Of Everything They Knew, But They DID Get Help From Other Musicians And Learned Some Basic (Or Even More) Music Theory And Were Able To Use What They Knew Effectively!

When I first started playing guitar, my first teacher only taught me chords. Once I finished high school, I started taking more serious guitar lessons. Randy Garcia was my guitar teacher. I liked the format of his teaching. Every little question or concern about how to play would be explained very well. I took lessons on understanding music theory. Must I say it helped out a lot. In the aspect that I learned how to play on time and on tempo to a metronome. I even received emails from Randy on our lessons. I thought that was one of the coolest things about our lessons because it goes show how determine he was/is on helping me reach my goals! I have now even put up my own solo record."
"I have taken lessons before but I would have so much trouble. I've been told by other teachers that I was 'unteachable.' I really wanted to improve my guitar playing and I eventually met Randy Garcia one day when he was rehearsing with his band. I saw what he could do and found out he teaches guitar! I asked for lessons and soon I started to improve on my speed. I also learned about scales and soloing and my rhythm has definitely gotten a lot better! What I really liked was Randy's genuine interest in helping me and getting to the next level!"
Student Feedback
It DOESN'T Have To Be Hard To Learn How To Play Lead Guitar!
You Need To Be Coached, Trained And Mentored!
Becoming a skilled lead guitarists requires more than just practice, it demands the right guidance. Specifically, it's important to understand the value of coaching, training, and mentorship. Upon choosing me you will receive personalized attention, structured lessons, and constructive feedback.
Teaching Yourself Could Add YEARS Of Frustration
In A Perfect World Guitar Players Could Set Goals For Themselves And Know Exactly What They Need To Do In Order To Become The Guitar Player They Want To Be! But In The Real World Most Guitarists Assume They Can Just Find Tabs And Exercises And Get Better From There! The Truth Is That It's Much More Complicated! The Internet Can't Diagnose What You Need To Work On! Neither Can You! After All, You Can't Teach Yourself Something You Don't Know Or Don't Even Realize Is Happening In Your Own Playing! You Need Someone Who Has Been Where You Are And Who Knows What To Do In Order To Get To The Next Level! I Have Been Where You Are At! And I Will Dedicate Myself To Getting You To Where You Want To Be!
Let's Get Started...
Unlock the world of lead guitar effortlessly with expert guidance. Learning to play lead guitar doesn't have to be a daunting task. It's hard to know where to start, but having someone to guide you through the process is a worthwhile investment. Lessons will be tailored to your exact needs and goals.